About Us

Amanda Hershman

Amanda Hershman

With a fire in her belly and an entrepreneurial mindset, Amanda has thrived in the corporate world of recruitment for over the past 30 years. Amidst her successes she has gained a wealth of knowledge and expertise whilst working with a variety of clients both in the UK and across the globe. Twenty-Two is a culmination of her years of experience. Whether working within a small or large team or taking care of business for other people, no project has ever got the better of Amanda and her drive to succeed. When given a blank canvas, Amanda rises to the challenge of creating something out of nothing.
Rachel Redondo

Rachel Redondo

Digital and Operations Manager
Rachel thrives at working with wide array of clients from all sectors through our Digital Division. Having built many websites across Hertfordshire and beyond, her niche stems towards helping both CIOs and CICs raise their brand awareness. Whether that be building them a new website to easily grow donations or integrating the right digital solutions to streamline their workflows. With languages, culture and diversity held close to Rachel’s heart, she has taken pride in building an eclectic mix of clients here at Twenty-Two.


Head of Pawsitivity
With expertise in fluffy cuddles and licks, Bessie joined Twenty-Two after passing our ruff recruitment process. She never turns down the chance to run laps of our office and will happily entertain clients on Zooms with her dog jokes that make us howl! Bessie has been sure to prevent any client from barking up the wrong tree with her incredible ability to raise the woof with her paw-sitive attitude.



Our foundations are set as an unstoppable mother-daughter team with a vision for the future: to offer business support services to help businesses across Hertfordshire and beyond grow. Our strapline “Little Pressure, Great Success” has followed us through to becoming an award-winning hybrid company, which is what we are all about. In turn, we have exponentially grown our client base allowing us to thrive and excel in all that we do. 

The number of clients we have worked with
0 +
Amount won for one Lead Generation client alone
£ 0
We offer over 12 different types of services!
0 +


Networking has expanded our business connections with so many opportunities. We want to extend this to you by offering you a FREE membership to the CH4B Business Hub – A Business Success Community providing support to you in all areas of your business!

Join Free today and start receiving your membership benefits!

CH4B Expert Partner Badge


Aug 2020Winning our first piece of business
Aug 2021Our first year of trading
Jan 2023Trademarking our logo and name
Sep 2023Our first gold business award

In 2024 we hope to expand on our partner collaborations and grow in every way possible!

We’re on a podcast!! 🚨🚨🚨

After attending the Great British Entrepreneur Awards & Community in Dec 2023 we were approached by Kevin Brent to be guests on his podcast, ScaleUp Radio from BizSmart®.

Join us as we delve into our journey—from the significance of our number “22” to our commitment toward organic growth, long-term client relationships, and a sustainable future.

Listen here 👆🏽



Being geographically accessible through great Hertfordshire transport links enables our face-to-face meetings to build stronger working relationships to delve into our clients’ company ethos more effectively to provide a better quality service.


Twenty-Two is always mindful of our sustainable impact on our local community. This is why we made the switch to using only LED lighting in our offices and remain totally paperless with the ambition of reducing our carbon footprint in the long-term.


Whilst working with many national and international companies, Twenty-Two feel very strongly about supporting and promoting our local communities by reaching out to local charities, businesses and open spaces to keep the “heart” in Hertfordshire.




© 2024 Twenty-Two Business Support and Development Ltd ® | Registered in England and Wales VAT Number 417308901 |

Company Registration Number 13989299 | First Floor, Lumiere, Elstree Way, Borehamwood, Hertfordshire, WD6 1JH